Freitag, November 11, 2005

Modern Cinema

Deep down in the guts of America-House, there is an old (CIA???) projection-room. Well, okay actually its on the first floor, and has not been refurbished since... my guess is : the late 50s. There is no electricity here any more, but a very distinct 50s look.
Take a look yourself. (I really love that speaker on the wall)
Together with that I found the
"Polizeiverordnung über die Anlage und Einrichtung von Lichtspieltheatern und über Sicherheitsvorschriften bei Lichtspielvorführungen"
That's bureocratic german for "the do's and don'ts of cinemas".
Well, sounds much more important in german, does'nt it?
It's based - and this is the best part - on §45 to §50 of the Polizeiverordnung from the 10th of March 1937!!!!!!
I'm not kidding, take a look:

More about the america house cutting edge technology of the 50s later on, stay tunded!!!